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Radio-Astronomy course - UNI Bologna 2016

Radio-Astronomy course - UNI Bologna 2013, 2014, 2015

(sub)mm-Astronomy with ALMA - SISSA 2014

  • File:Submm astronomy SISSA2014.pdf - Introduction to the (Sub)Millimetric band (quick review of radiative processes)
  • File:ALMA SISSA2014.pdf - Introduction to (Sub)Millimetric interferometry and to ALMA (radiotelescope structure, resolution, sensitivity, Fourier domain synthesis & imaging, pills of spectroscopy and polarimetry, ALMA organization, proposal process)
  • File:Galactic SISSA2014.pdf - Galattic Science (ISM Astrochemistry, Stellar formation, Old stars, Protoplanetary discs)
  • File:Extragalactic SISSA2014.pdf - Extragalactic science (AGN, starforming galaxies, galaxy clusters, lensed objects)

Radio-Astronomy course - UNI Catania 2014

Lectures on mm astrophysics for PhD students - Bologna 2009

Scuola Nazionale "Oggetti compatti e pulsar - Scienza con ALMA" - Maracalagonis (CA) 2007

School website