SKA data challenges workshop

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SKA data challenges workshop: analysis, archive, and access basics

30 September- 02October 2019 - Istituto di Radioastronomia Bologna, Italy

The "SKA Data Challenges workshop" aims to be an event for astronomers and engineers interested to apprehend the SKA basics. Taking the opportunity offered by the "First SKA data challenge", we will address most of the main issues associated with data transfer, analysis, archiving, and data access that will be important for preparing to work with SKA data. The main topics that will be discussed are

  • SKA basics (interferometry with SKA)
  • Overview of Science Working Groups and on-going activities with Pathfinders and Precursors
  • SKA Data Challenges
  • Support and interaction facilities for astronomers
  • Design of a SKA Regional Centre in Europe, AENEAS and other projects
  • Big Data, network and storage
  • Archives in astronomy
  • Pipelining and containerization
  • Machine Learning, data exploitation
  • Open Access and collaborative mentality

The workshop is supported by INAF - UTG II Radioastronomia

We encourage in particular PhD students and young researchers to attend: they are also welcome to contribute with short presentations and/or posters.

Final Program

Monday, 30 September

14:00 Introduction (Govoni INAF)
14:15 SKA basics (Bonaldi SKAO)
15:00 Archiving in astronomy (Galluzzi INAF-OATS)
15:30 Coffee-break
16:00 AENEAS & co (van Haarlem ASTRON - remotely)
16:45 The ESCAPE project: the development of a science analysis platform for SKA (Taffoni INAF-OATS)
17:00 An introduction to Big Data (Gallinucci UNIBO)
17:45 Networking Big Data in astronomy (Nanni/Stagni INAF-IRA)
18:15 End of the session

Tuesday, 01 October

09:30 Data Handling Recommendations (analysis and computation) (Scaife UMAN-JBCA)
10:15 Computation in Italy (Knapic INAF-OATS - Becciani INAF-OACT - INAF-ICT)
10:45 Containerization (Bedosti INAF-IRA)
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 SKA Data challenges (Bonaldi SKAO)
12:30 SKA Data challenges experience in Italy: ARCIt-CACAO (Burkutean IT-ARC/INAF-IRA)
13:00 Archived data analysis tools and projects (Liuzzo IT-ARC/INAF-IRA)
13:30 Lunch
14:30 SKA precursors and pathfinders (Trigilio INAF-OACT)
15:00 Source finding challenges in the SKA era (Riggi INAF-OACT)
15:30 Dealing with Galactic extended sources: the SCORPIO use case (Ingallinera INAF-OACT)
15:45 Supernova Remnants observed with ASKAP in the SCORPIO field (Loru INAF-OACT)
16:00 Neutral hydrogen science with the SKA pathfinders: planned surveys and recent results (Maccagni INAF-OAC)
16:15 Coffee Break
16:45 LOFAR (Brunetti INAF-IRA)
17:05 VLBI in SKA (Rygl/Venturi INAF-IRA)
17:35 Gravitational lensing with the next generation of VLBI arrays (Spingola INAF-IRA)
17:50 Synchrotron emission in molecular clouds: the SKA view (Padovani INAF-OAA)
18:05 Handling large data-sets: an EVLA study case (D'Amato INAF-IRA)
18:20 End of the session

Wednesday, 02 October

09:30 Open Science and reproducibility (Garrido IAA-CISC)
10:15 e-Infrastructure and Federation Services  (Viljoen EGI foundation)
10:45 Visual Analytics and Virtual Reality for data analysis (Vitello INAF-OACT)
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Deep learning and Machine Learning (Asperti UNIBO)
12:30 Machine Learning for SKA Survey science (Scaife UMAN-JBCA)
13:00 Identification of single spectral lines through machine learning (Baronchelli UNIPD)
13:15 Radio surveys data analysis in the visibility domain (Rivi INAF-IRA)
13:30 Lunch
14:30 User Interaction Models towards the SKA (Massardi IT-ARC/INAF-IRA)
15:15 SKA in Italy (Prandoni INAF-IRA)
16:00 Coffee Break and end of the meeting


The registration is now closed. No registration fee is required.

Registered participants (69):

Jan Brand
Elisabetta Liuzzo
Sandra Burkutean
Nicola Marchili
Matteo Bonato
Marcella Massardi
Andrea Mattana
Alessandra Zanichelli
Tiziana Venturi
Roberta Zanin
Anna Scaife
Vincenzo Galluzzi
Cristina Knapic
Mauro Nanni 
Anna Bonaldi
Cristiana Spingola
Daniele Dallacasa
Gianni Bernardi
Quirino D'Amato
Marco Bondi
Rossella Cassano
Conforti Vito
Leonardo Baroncelli
Simone Tampieri
Marco Molinaro
Ambra Di Piano
Viviana Casasola
Marzia Rivi 
Garrido Sanchez, Julián
Sara Bertocco
Isabella Prandoni
Marco Marongiu
Ugo Becciani
Mario Ballardini
Fabio Vitello
Simone Riggi
Marco Padovani
Giovanni Sabatini
Giacomo Girelli
Jorge Enrique García Farieta
Elena Bertola
Riccardo Nanni
Federica Govoni
Corrado Trigilio
Matthew Viljoen
Franco Alessandro
Mylene Marchettini
Carlo Mengucci
Filomena Bufano
Ivano Baronchelli
Giuliano Taffoni
Adriano Ingallinera
Beatrice Terni de Gregory
Andrea Asperti
Filippo Maccagni
Raffaele Pascale
Devid Farinelli
Rosita Paladino
Kazi Rygl
Giacomo Girelli
Franco Tinarelli
Sara Loru
Alberto Sanna
Matteo Stagni
Francesco Bedosti
Giannetti Andrea
Enrico Gallinucci
Devid Farinelli
Mattia Forcellese

Venue, Logistics & contacts

The meeting will be held at the Congress Centre of the CNR-campus, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Sala 215.

Directions to reach the campus can be found here.

Hotels close to the campus are listed here.

For any request please contact the Italian ARC